Monday 7 December 2015

Half Term Assessments

The end of half term assessments for the core subjects are as follows:

Science - Thursday 10th
English - Friday 11th
Mathematics - Friday 11th

Students in 5L also have a Portuguese test on Thursday 10th.


Friday 4 December 2015

Christmas Party Fun!

Form 5 have decided to have a Christmas Party Day on Wednesday 16th December. The students in 5L and 5B are taking responsibility of organising food, drinks, games, entertainment, etc.
In 5L, we are also doing 'Secret Santa'. The price of the gift should be between €5 - €7 and the students should bring the gift to school for the Christmas party on the 16th.
Many thanks for your cooperation.


Monday 30 November 2015


Unfortunately, Mathster had some server problems over the weekend and only informed me of this on Monday morning. The website should now be accessible to students to complete their homework for Wednesday.

Apologies for any inconvenience.


Student Interview to Parents

Thank you to the parents who have signed up to be interviewed by the students.

If possible, Wednesday at 9:30 would be a perfect time. If you are able to make this could you please email me with your confirmation of attendance.

Many thanks!

Friday 27 November 2015

Mathematics Website Trial

The Mathematics homework this weekend is using a website Form 5 are trialling. It is hoped the students enjoy the website and we will purchase to use after Christmas.


Current Affairs

It is important that children are aware of news issues from around the world. The class have had many discussion this year about the news and students have offered their opinion on a variety of topics. To help students better understand topics I would recommend that they watch Newsround. This provides them with news articles in a sensitive and child-friendly way.