Friday 23 October 2015

World Chess Championships

Good luck to Filipa who is flying out tomorrow to the World Chess Championships!
Good luck!!!

Photographs Page

Please take a look at the photograph page! Many new additions!


Volleyball Tournament

Congratulations to all Form 5 students who competed in the Volleyball Tournament.
A special mention to Sofia B and Lourenco who contested the final.
After a tough game, Lourenço was the victorious winner!
Well done!

Monday 19 October 2015

Mathematics Homework

Please find the Mathematics homework for Wednesday on the 'Homework' page of the Blog.


Global Goals

This week, 5L will be looking at Global Goal number 5 'Gender Equality'.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Mathematics in Action!

Next week, as part of our Measure topic in Mathematics, 5L will turn themselves into chef's and bake fairy cakes. The students will be asked to work in groups to make the fairy cakes using ingredients and following a recipe. We will be doing this activity Period 1 - 3 on Wednesday morning. The students were split into groups today and will be required to bring items to school to make this activity possible. It is aimed to give the students an opportunity to work as part of a group and use Mathematics in a real life context.
If you would not like your student to be involved in this activity, please contact me directly via email.
Many thanks.


Monday 12 October 2015

Humanities Trip Information

Form Five Geography Field Trip - Rio Douro
Timetable for the day
·       Meet at school
·       Register
·       Bus
·       Arrive at Cais da Gaia
·       Pre-boat trip activity
·       Boat trip
·       Arrive back at Cais da Gaia
·       Break
·       Follow up activity
·       Annotated river diagram showing human features
·       View traditional boat yard
·       Walk to Afurada
·       Arrive at Afurada
·       Lunch
·       Walk to river mouth nature reserve
·       Arrive at river mouth nature reserve
·       Annotated river diagram showing natural features
·       Return to school on bus
·       Arrive back at school

Friday 9 October 2015

Science and Mathematics Workbooks

All students took home their Science and Mathematics workbooks.

I would appreciate if parents could sign the books before the children return them to class on Monday.

Have a great weekend!


Half Term Assessments

5L will have their half term assessments next week.
English - Thursday Period 2/3
Mathematics - Thursday Period 4/5
Science - Friday Period 2/3
Art - based on the Hundertwasser work the students have produced
Humanities - Rivers
Physical Education - skills and ability displayed during Basketball


Tuesday 6 October 2015

Book Fair

Tomorrow there will be a whole school Book Fair.
If any student would like to purchase a book they are advised to bring in €7.50 - €10.00.


Cake Sale

Form 3 will be holding a cake sale on October 23.

If students would like to buy anything from the sale then they are encouraged to bring in a small amount of money.


Monday 5 October 2015

International Day of the Girl

As mentioned previously, as part of our Humanities studies, 5L are concentrating on Global Goal number 5: Gender Equality. As part of this topic the class will be learning about the disadvantages girls/women face around the world and how we can make steps to change this.

In 2011, a United Nations resolution established 11 October as the International Day of the Girl Child a day designated for promoting the rights of girls and addressing the unique challenges they face. As the lead agency for the Day, UNICEF selected this year's theme, “The Power of the Adolescent Girl: Vision for 2030”.

It is hoped that we celebrate this day in class. I have asked every student to talk to their parents about this topic and how we can celebrate the day in class next Monday.

Many thanks.


Friday 2 October 2015

Form 5 Geography Field Trip to River Douro

We have organised a Geography field trip to Cais da Gaia, Afurada and the Douro Estuary nature reserve on Tuesday 13th October 2015. The trip includes a river cruise.

The trip is linked to work the children are doing on rivers in Geography.

We will leave school at 9:00am and return to school by 4:10pm.

Pupils should wear their school uniform. They should bring a packed lunch, snack and water as well as a hat and sun cream.

They may bring a maximum of €5 for an ice-cream.

Please note that in the event of poor weather, the trip will be postponed or the walking component of the trip will be cancelled.