Monday 28 September 2015

Global Goals

On September 25th 2015, 193 world leaders committed to the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. 17 goals to achieve 3 extraordinary things in the next 15 years. End extreme poverty. Fight inequality and injustice. Fix climate change. If every school in the world teaches children about these goals, we will help them become the generation that changed the world

In Primary, each class is concentrating on a Global Goal. The children in our care today can change the future.

In 5L, we will be concentrating on Gender Equality.

'If all girls and boys learn about gender equality, we can expect a more gender-sensitized world which will reduce crimes against women and girls and help grow respect for every human alive. And then, we can have that truly prosperous world that we dream of having'.

If any parent has a strong knowledge of this subject or feels passionate about the topic and would like to come in to class to discuss this issue with the students then please contact me. We will be studying this topic for the next three weeks.

Many thanks.


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