Tuesday 29 September 2015


A note to all students

At the beginning of the academic year, you were told set days of when homework for English and Mathematics would be given. The timetable for Homework is also available on the blog for reference. It was also explained that Science homework would be given but no set days would be provided as this would change depending on the topic or the amount of work covered within class time.

Unfortunately, I have been disappointed with the standard of homework submitted so far from 5L. Many of you are choosing not to complete homework or you are not completing it to the standard I believe you are capable. Instead, you are rushing through it and making careless errors.

Homework provides opportunities for reinforcement of work learned during school time and for you to develop research skills. You may need to seek information from reference materials such as the internet, books, etc. and by doing so, are helped along the path to becoming independent learners.                

Having the responsibility of needing to meet deadlines promotes self-discipline, an attribute which will impact on school work and beyond.

If you are finding a piece of homework difficult then I do not mind answering questions; as long as those questions are before the day that the homework is due. Can I ask that everyone, from this point onwards, completes homework on time and to the best of their ability.



  1. I am tomas and im sorry that i wrote "Leew" instead of "Lee"

  2. Miss lee i dont understand very well the spelling homework

  3. Thank you. It is no problem to speak to you about the homework. Talk to me tomorrow morning :-) See you then.

  4. Miss Lee , I am Adriana.
    I can't find the homework. You said it was on the Blog

  5. Hi Adriana, so far this week it's only the English spelling words, Kensuke's Kingdom Chapter 3 and the Science homework (the questions that were due for today). Maths homework will be given to you tomorrow for Friday. Hope you're having an enjoyable evening. See you tomorrow.

  6. Niss Lee its Joana can you give me again the maths homework please thank you
